Who has never played Pac-Man before? The famous game turns 40 this year. His planetary consecration was linked to two peculiar aspects:

– simplicity: the yellow protagonist works chased by ghosts inside intricate labyrinths trying to eat as many pills as possible

– game dynamics: linked to the reversal of roles for which Pac-Man transforms from chased to chaser

I remember that the best players acted instinctively but, if we imagine that our companies are Pac-Man and the ghosts are adversities (eg Covid-19), instinct is not enough and it is mandatory to set our strategy. We think that the labyrinth and the pills represent the various market scenarios that gradually appear in the levels: should I go forward, turn right or left or should I seek alternative routes?

If the player was able to calculate and monitor ghosts’ path and study real-time moves and countermoves, he would have implemented a strategic plan and several operational plans to guide the player, giving the company more chances to pass the level, accumulate scores and win the competition, avoiding the dreaded Game Over!

@Ezio Aprile

#chibencomincia #innovation4value #management

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