KISS is an acronym used in design, which stands for Keep It Simple, Stupid.

In reference to the source code of a program it means not to deal with optimizations from the beginning but, instead, to try to maintain a simple and linear programming style, leaving the optimizations to the compiler or to subsequent development phases. (source: wikipedia)

So Keep It Simple, Stupid! Easier said than done, right?

At the same time, however, this has always been an expression that has intrigued me greatly.

One of my most eminent university professors used to say that in every area of ​​life we ​​are called to “reduce complexity” (and added “… but do not try to approximate a horse to a sphere” but this is another story)

A complex work situation, a difficult sentimental relationship, living abroad, everything should be (must be) simplified, so as not to get confused by reasoning about scarcely valuable considerations and, ultimately, to live better.

Clearly, we are faced with a multitude of constraints and obstacles that make the overall balance extremely changeable: the key is to try to keep everything “simple” without distorting its essence, without reducing the horse to a sphere!

Antonio Rinaldi




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