Corporate strategy is the first, essential step towards defining a path to pursue the corporate vision: it is a dynamic process, to be reviewed and refocused periodically, given the turbulence of non-governable exogenous variables.

It is appropriate to formalize the strategy in a structured document, the strategic plan, which contains useful information on how to monitor and increase the market share, on the profitability of the business units and on the intermediate goals to be achieved to achieve the vision.

A clear strategy, effectively communicated:

  1. indicates to the working group the intermediate objectives to be achieved along the way
  2. minimizes the dispersion of resources towards projects of little interest or too onerous, given the internal know-how
  3. optimizes conflict management in the context of product development, subject to technical obstacles, reprogramming of activities or linked to conflicting interests of the functions.

Strategic planning is the set of processes and tools through which the company’s positioning on the market, its strengths, areas for improvement and possible future scenarios are evaluated, in order to study the most effective action plan, establishing resources human and financial needs.

How many entrepreneurs spend part of their time developing a strategy?

How many enter the fray with their heads down?


